Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful time for every women who wants to be a mother. A notorious diet is the key of healthy pregnancy. Even before you get pregnant you should start your prenatal vitamins, Doctor recommend mothers to have folic acid in your diet. In the first two trimester most Pregnant women face morning sickness, Doctor suggest that the entire pregnancy diet should be full of lot of Fruits, Green veggies and Dairy product. The third trimester is the face when baby start getting developed more fast than any other trimester.
Third trimester is the time when baby need more amniotic fluid, Fetus brain has almost develop at the end of second trimester. Nutrition like Calcium, Protein, and lot of Health fats should be in your diet. When fetus start getting bigger in size it require more Calcium. So here the list of food you must add in your diet.
Superfood in Third trimester of pregnancy
- Dairy Product :-

Most dairy product are safe to eat in all 9 month of your pregnancy, Our bones are made of Calcium as your need more calcium so it is must that you should consume Dairy product in any form. You should Drink 2 Glass of Milk dairy, During the noon time it is good to have yogurt or curd in your diet. Cheese, tofu are also good alternative of milk.
Dairy products are not just good source of Calcium but they are also rich in Protein and Vitamin D. You need to avoid unpasteurized milk or cheese during the pregnancy as it may cause infection. According to Some gynecologist those who are lactose intolerance should take dairy product in small serving.
2. Spinach:-

Doctor believe that Spinach is really a superfood for sure, Iron and Calcium deficiency is very common during the pregnancy in women that’s why Doctor advice to start prenatal from day 1. Just like milk spinach has high nutrition value. Spinach has about 15 % Iron & Potassium in 100 gm, and 46 % Vitamin C and lot of dietary fiber.
You can either make a Nice Spinach recipe or can spread it on bread along with avocado. Most women face Low blood women during the last month of pregnancy so it is must to have lot of spinach in your diet.
3. Omega 3 rich Food :-

Nuts are usually a good source of Omega 3 Fatty acid there are lot of meat source such as fish is also a good source of Omega 3, For baby brain development it is must that you should add Nuts and Omega 3 rich food. You can consume nuts from day 1 of your pregnancy, Soaked almond, Walnuts are the best way to consume in morning.
Nuts not just contains oil but also a good source of Protein and minerals such as Iron and calcium. For weight gain and muscle building Nuts are the best choice and you should have in your diet as well,
4 Pomegranate :-

About 70 % pregnant ladies face iron deficiency in the last trimester. Having a Pomegranate and Beet root juice can help you a lot in the last month of pregnancy. During baby delivery we can expect some ladies face Huge Blood loss, Pomegranate has good amount of Vitamin K which helps blood clotting during the pregnancy.
This fruit also has lot of Dietary fiber and Vitamin C which helps in the absorption of Iron in blood. You can consume it’s Fruit juice or in Raw form on daily basis.
5. Broccoli :-

Every doctor advice pregnant ladies to have broccoli in their diet, This special vegetable contains lot of nutation such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Many type of antioxidant also present in this Green Veggie. Best way to consume broccoli is to make a salad, You can simply prepare it by boiling it.
Just like other Superfood this one is also safe to eat in all three trimester. Broccoli also help in baby brain development as it contain all the essential which should be present in other.
6. Avocado

Another amazing fruit which is also my personal favorite is Avocado, This butter like fruit is full of nutrition such as Healthy fats, Fibers and Minerals. Research show that Choline present in Avocado make baby brain Sharpe so One Avocado a day may be a good choice for you. Usually doctor recommend you don’t add Unsaturated Fats in your diet but if you have some healthy choice then go for Natural oil food.
Foods like Nuts, Fish, and Avocado are the best source of as per research. the easiest recipe you can make is Just spread the Ripped Avocado on Bread. Just remember don’t eat unripped fruits as it may cause stomach pain.